What's Holding you Back From Your Feminine Business (and why it's actually a good thing)
I’ve noticed something about a lot of the women who approach me for feminine business sessions and mentoring.
Usually, they’re intelligent, perceptive and more than capable of creating a business within the masculine-oriented framework that they’ve been taught.
Something is holding them back. They inherently sense that doing business the way they’ve been taught isn’t for them.
Yet often this inner sense goes against the logical, conditioned mind- a tension that manifests in not being sure what direction to take, what to focus on, or how to gain clarity.
They often feel like they “should” know it all, and feel frustrated that they’re stuck and unable to take action.
They feel confused as to why other people seem to be achieving, moving forward and “succeeding”.
They start comparing, judging and falling into loops of trying to figure out what’s wrong with them.
In these situations, what I’ve found is that these women often don’t need help creating a business.
Instead, they want permission to do things differently.
They want permission to nurture their feminine nature, without worrying that they’re doing things wrong, or sabotaging their “success.”
They want to feel okay with doing things on their own timeline, not the timeline they’ve been taught via the traditional business matrix.
They want support building faith around their organic, God-given path.
They want to feel like it’s okay to not know all the time.
They want to soften into trust and know that they don’t need to do what’s been done before.
Yet like all of us who live in this masculine-oriented culture, usually these women are so used to living from the masculine, that it feels strange and unnatural to soften, to slow down, to be okay with not knowing.
Yet the paradox is this; it’s only when they feel safe to soften into their femininity, knowing that their business doesn’t have to compromise their feminine soul, that the next steps appear. The right strategies unfold. The vision grows. The business unfurls- naturally, sustainably and in a way that nourishes their true nature.
I know this trajectory so well, because I was there. Having the skills and knowledge to theoretically achieve in the masculine-oriented business space, yet feeling a deep aversion to it all.
Longing to soften and create a business that was truly aligned with my feminine gifts (even if it felt weird, shameful and “not good enough” in comparison to the ways that I’d been taught success should look )
I remember when I first starting working with women, there were times that I felt like I needed to compromise my feminine healing work to “get results” for women.
But I soon realised, that any results that came from this space would be short lived and unfulfilling. Because these women were looking for something deeper, even if it felt frustrating to their conscious mind.
So much of what I see in the business space, doesn’t work for women who are walking the path of the Organic Feminine. These women crave naturalness, soul and softness. They crave connection and heart and truth- no matter how different that looks to the normalised standards of business. Yet the world convinces them that this isn’t a viable path.
And this is why it’s actually a good thing when women feel resistance to doing business the “normal” way.
It’s a sign encouraging them to tune into and embrace their deeper truth, desires and feminine nature.
Because really, the women I work with are more than capable of creating a business (or, they’re resourceful enough to know what external support they need at the right time).
What they’re often struggling with, is how to trust themselves, their pace, their unique gifts.
They’re struggling to believe that they’re of value unless they create what they’ve seen in the traditional world of business.
They’re questioning if they’ll be able to make money if they soften into a life and business that nurtures their feminine soul.
They’re wondering why they don’t know it all yet and why they’re struggling to move forward.
They’re berating themselves for procrastinating, for not being further ahead, for not being able to “figure things out.”
Through Feminine Business, we create the space for your business to be received (which I believe is how the feminine woman is designed to create). Receiving, then having the faith to action when called to- not working to meet the pace of the outer world, but creating naturally and in a way that feels in integrity with the feminine soul.
In truth, I believe that the act of business creation inherently opens a space for healing- especially if you’re committed to the path of the feminine. And likewise, feminine healing, often inherently opens up the path for a natural business to be birthed, in a time and at a pace that is right.
So whether we focus on feminine healing, living or business- they are all related.
I’d love to hear- where are you needing support? Comment below, or contact me and let me know what you’re feeling right now around your business.
Belinda 💓
ps. If you’re interested in softening into your femininity, releasing patterns of striving, forcing and seeking to “earn” your worth , start here
And if you’re seeking gentle business support, based on feminine integrity, slow living and trusting your natural self, explore Feminine Business here.
hi, i’m belinda
Writer and founder of Soul & Self, an online space of feminine healing, gentle business and soft, creative living. Here, I write and create resources for sensitive, creative-hearted women who want to trust in their softer path and cultivate a life of beauty, naturalness and feminine spirit. Start here to learn more about what‘s offered in this space.
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