Why the Feminine Doesn’t Need to “Know”
The world teaches us that we need to know things unequivocally. That we need answers from the intellect, and black and white solutions to the problems of the world. That things need to make perfect sense to our logical minds, if they’re to be accepted.
Because of this, many of us hold a deeply rooted belief that we need to have all of the answers.
Yet this belief is exhausting, depleting and overwhelming to a woman’s natural feminine design.
It doesn’t allow for the unseen, the unknown, the intangible to have a place in the world- all things that are the realm of the feminine.
This makes a woman think that she needs to overwork herself trying to figure everything out.
She struggles to place the depth, the breadth, the complexity of her nature into a box, feeling pressure to understand herself through the masculine lens- through the mind, through the material, through knowing, through linearity.
She begins to push and strive to understand, no longer trusting life to reveal what she needs to know in a way and pace that is organic and divinely timed, not forced.
I see this arise in so many different contexts of a woman’s life.
In dating and relationship- where a woman tries to intellectually figure out where a relationship is going and exactly what the man thinks, before even tuning into how she actually feels.
In business and creative expression, where a woman doesn’t think she can take action until she has the next 50 steps mapped out, and the knowledge that things will definitely “work.” Or she thinks that she needs to know every single aspect of something, in order to share or teach it (this often manifests as relentless study, qualifications or constantly seeking out more and more knowledge through books, podcasts, social media..)
In general life and conversation, where she doesn’t feel that her opinion or belief is valid or worthwhile, unless she can explain it through an intellectual lens or proven study.
It arises in the context of self-development/self-healing, where a woman believes she needs to figure out the root of all of her feelings and struggles so she can “fix” herself. Often from this, she also puts pressure on herself to fix, heal, solve, save the world.
And it happens in spirituality, where a woman thinks she has to understand the mysteries of life through the intellectual mind, in order to reach enlightenment or liberation. Rather than nurturing her faith and trusting in God, she relentlessly seeks to figure it all herself, falling into endless healing loops and/or performance-based spirituality or religion.
For a feminine being, there is deep beauty and naturalness in letting go of the need to know.
There is a deep relief that is found from sinking into our femininity and being naturally receptive and open to life.
A surrendered space where we don’t need to know it all ourselves, or solve and figure everything out through our own minds, but instead can rest in the wisdom of our feminine nature and the deeper knowing of God.
Belinda 💓
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hi, i’m belinda
Writer and founder of Soul & Self, an online space of feminine healing, gentle business and soft, creative living. Here, I write and create resources for sensitive, creative-hearted women who want to trust in their softer path and cultivate a life of beauty, naturalness and feminine spirit. Start here to learn more about what‘s offered in this space.
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