For the woman who has been conditioned to live through hyper-masculinised values, there is often a deep longing to come back to the natural energy of her feminine being. A state of being where she feels worthy, supported and safe in her true essence. Not forcing and pushing herself to produce, achieve and constantly grow in very linear ways, but instead finding peace and radiance in coming back to the desires of her feminine heart. Resting in the knowledge that she is allowed to exist freely from the truth of her feminine soul. Finding joy in the flow of life that moves organically through her from this space of softened surrender and natural unfolding.
From here, she begins to experience life through the feminine ground of her own being.
A life where she no longer exhausts herself in her constant evaluation and judgement of who she is supposed to be in relation to the masculine standards, values and perceptions that have been historically enforced around her.
A life where she feels safe to embrace a way of being, creating and living that honours the feminine, creative and spiritual essence that is vital to her being, yet is so often pushed aside in an urgent, masculinised over-culture.
A life where there is no more forcing herself to heal and grow, but instead, a gentle tending to the feminine values and soft radiance she wishes to reclaim in herself and in the world, as she blooms naturally from the inner riches of her feminine soul.
Soften & Bloom is a collection of 32 writings from my feminine healing blog archives, edited and updated (including writings that were never published).
included writings:
The Ways Your Feminine Essence is Seeking Healing (and why you’ve been taught to push down your feminine energy and heart)’
Healing and Growing through Femininity, not Force
The Trap of the Sensitive, Capable Woman
People Pleasing and Recovering from the Need to Prove Yourself
Are You Trying to Heal What Doesn't Need Fixing?
Women- Let’s Say No to This Constant Need to Optimise Ourselves
Blooming Into Your Desires, Dropping Forced Manifestation & Creating through the Energy of Femininity
The Energetic and Spiritual Heart of the Feminine
Healing the Martyr Wound to Restore Your Feminine Energy
Cultivating Faith and the Inner World of the Feminine
Restoring Radiance, Naturalness & the Innocence of the Feminine Heart
It is Safe to Be You (working with, not on yourself)
Trusting your Feminine Path
Why the Feminine Doesn’t Need to ‘Know’
The Gifts of Your Feminine Being Cannot Be Extracted, They Must Unfold and Bloom
The Rhythm of The Feminine Soul
Let's Talk About Spiritual Striving (and how it affects the feminine essence)
How Masculine Achievement Culture Impacts the Feminine Soul
The Essence of Feminine Being
Softening, instead of striving (and why softness doesn't equal weakness)
The Feminine Art of Softening
Natural Pace, Trusting Timing and Growing 'Sideways.'
Unravelling the Hardness We Are Taught to Carry
Feminine Tenderness and Why You’ve Been Taught to Diminish Your Sensitivities
What is Feminine Integrity? (and why the world steers women away from it)
Four qualities of the feminine that are deeply healing to a woman’s soul …
The Beauty of the Softened Heart
Why the Feminine Does Not Need to Be Entirely Understood (letting go of the safety of masculine expression)
Tears, Tenderness and Dropping the Shame of Feminine Feeling
The Soft, the Subtle, the Slow (embodying the quietened realm of feminine interiority)
You Do Not Always Need to Be in Bloom (reclaiming the internal winter of the feminine soul)
On the Nature of Feminine Authority (coming home to your intuitive heart)
what women say
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