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 If you have found your way here, you are likely a woman with a creative, feminine soul who longs to organically discover, cultivate and share your gifts in a way that feels natural and true to your deeper values, sensitivities and heart.

You may have also discovered that many of the internalised ways that we have been taught to override feminine values, attributes and gifts in our world, are even more deeply illuminated in the entrepreneurial landscape. This can look like feeling pressure to create in unnaturally-paced ways, believing that you need to use forced tactics and hacks to create faster results, feeling tethered to relentless online engagement, and doubting the value of your more feminine-oriented gifts, knowledge, artistry and expression.

To me, Feminine Business is not a strategy or formula, but is instead a soul-felt philosophy that honours a softer, more receptive approach to business and creation. One that allows you to share yourself, your creativity, your expression, your knowledge and your service, in a way that encompasses your femininity, spirituality and heart. For me, this path honours feminine integrity, slow and cyclical living, natural wisdom and deep trust in who you naturally are. It is a gentle antidote to an online culture of proving, striving and performing, and relies instead on naturalness, resonance and a deep belief in your unique gifts, expression and unfolding.

If softening into this way of business and creation resonates with you, welcome. I’m so glad you’re here.

