Three soft marketing shifts to help feminine souls in business stay anchored in their own expression, pace and creative path.


In an online marketing culture that can feel deeply overwhelming to the feminine soul, these are three shifts that help to build confidence and safety in your own expression, pace and creative path.

1. From force/proving to naturalness

I see naturalness as a counter energy to force, and one of the deepest desires of the feminine. Force exhausts the feminine soul, whereas being seen and valued in one’s naturalness creates a deep regenerative energy that doesn’t rely on synthetic strategies or inorganic marketing techniques.

Naturalness is honouring who you are and who your business is innately equipped to support. It is sharing what your business offers, in a way that is rooted in truth, integrity and connection. It is working with your natural strengths and gifts, instead of thinking that you need to replicate what has ‘worked’ for others in your industry, on instagram or in the broader online business space.

Naturalness completely negates the need to push, force, convince or use manipulative and inauthentic copywriting and sales techniques to attract customers and clients- something that my clients find deeply relieving.

Yet admittedly, it is a constant practice to trust in the naturalness of one’s self, creativity and unfolding. To trust in the naturalness of timing and the natural arc of your unique business growth trajectory. To trust that clients will come without force, that people will buy without manipulation, requires a deep self-trust in your feminine being, as well as the more practical ability to write and express in tangible ways that connects to the hearts of those you are here to serve.

I have found that this usually requires trusting before seeing outer evidence of success- which is perhaps why many are swayed away from their naturalness and into believing that they must take on other people’s templates for success. Yet for the woman drawn to this space, there is usually a deep desire to honour her naturalness and work with her receptive feminine energy, rather than pushing or forcing for results.

2. From quick fixes and outward hustle to sustainability and receptive marketing.

Sustainability is something that can feel quite counter to an online business culture that seems to promote active, outward hustle, quick fixes and the dopamine highs that come along with instant gratification and big leaps.

Yet when you focus on marketing approaches that are sustainable and receptive, you can share your business and creative work at a pace and in a way that is in synergy with your natural inclinations.

Because of this, I focus on a more receptive model of marketing that feels deeply sustainable to the women I support. I teach (and personally use) content creation and marketing strategy that organically compounds over time to create a solid online presence that consistently attracts clients and builds a connected audience of right-fit people, without needing to be outwardly pushing in a way that feels unnatural or forced.

Rather than focusing on the loud and obvious external metrics of approval, I teach a more intuitive and subtle approach that allows you to gently build resonance, connection and impact through your authentic voice and messaging. I have seen how many social media platforms can feel unsustainable for the feminine soul- so instead I focus on platforms and more gentle strategies that evoke natural and consistent discoverability without needing to be online all the time.

3. From trying to adhere to masculine values, to embracing slow, feminine-infused creation

To me, this means living, creating and receiving income for your gifts and knowledge in a way that feels soft, cyclical, enlivening, heart-led and deeply supportive of your true nature.

When you feel as though you can only be successful if you create and market in a way that is frenetic, intense and relentless, your work and creativity suffers, as does your ability to live the natural and feminine-infused life that you desire. You may also feel deeply out of integrity and begin to avoid, procrastinate or doubt that you are even meant for business.

Whereas when you market from the value of slow, feminine-infused living, you create a different, gentler way of expressing and sharing your work- a way that allows you to exit the hamster wheel of relentlessly creating micro content each day on social media platforms or always striving to hop on the next trend.

Instead, you feel safe to move with your natural feminine rhythms and creative cycles, knowing that clients and customers are consistently discovering and interacting deeply with your business without you needing to be constantly engaged online.


While there are very practical strategies and ways to stay aligned with these 3 values within your business, what I have found is that these softer approaches can only work when a woman is also tending to her deeper layers of feminine trust and self-gentleness (layers that can often lie very deeply beneath the intensity and ‘shoulds’ of the online business space).

For this reason, I weave feminine healing teachings and principles into the work that I offer around business, as I believe that without truly honouring the value of your feminine being, it can be very easy to be pulled into ways of working, creating and sharing that can convince you away from the naturalness and truths of your unique work/expression.

Through embracing these 3 shifts, I have been able to find ways of marketing that feel peaceful, doable and gentle to my soul, also supporting and encouraging the creative, feminine souls drawn to my work to move away from the 24/7 online hustle, and soften into a more aligned way of sharing their business and creative work online.

Belinda x