soften | tend | bloom


a 3-part feminine healing series to deepen into the receptive heart of feminine being


no. 1


’Soften’ is the first part in this Feminine Being Collection, designed to restore and honour your feminine value and essence through six core expressions of the feminine heart.


The feminine heart has reclaimed and believes in the value of her feminine sensitivities

‘The feminine heart receives what is meant for her and gracefully releases what is not

The feminine heart holds natural boundaries through honouring her intrinsic value

The feminine heart does not need to defend or prove what she naturally embodies

The feminine heart forgives herself and others

The feminine heart is fuelled by faith, beauty and love

‘SOFTEN’ invites you to:

restore your sensitivity and softness as vital feminine gifts

gently understand and unwind inner hardness and masculine shields

soften, feel, be, receive

gracefully let go of what is not serving your deeper heart

naturally regain your feminine energies

re-attune to and be nurtured by the frequencies of faith, beauty + love


no. 2


Tend’ is the second part in this Feminine Being Collection, designed to nourish your feminine soul, honour your deeper nature and cultivate self-tenderness. You’ll restore the roots of natural, radiant being and reactivate your feminine fullness, worthiness and love.


You are not a problem to be fixed

Unraveling the deficit model, restoring enoughness

Restoring the natural template of tenderness & feminine being

Untangling over responsibility, self-criticism + conditioned feminine rejection

Ancient feminine remembrance & reclaiming the inner well


‘TEND’ invites you to:

dissolve patterns of internalised criticism/judgement/hardness

unwind heavily masculinised, outer performance-oriented conditioning from parents, educators and other external environments (eg business/work)

honour the significance, beauty and natural wisdom of your deeper feminine nature

untether from cycles of believing you need to always be ‘fixing’ yourself in some way

restore belief in and connection with your feminine gifts and expressions that cannot be measured in linear, tangible or ‘sensical’ ways


no. 3


‘Bloom’ is the third part in this Feminine Being Collection, designed to activate your natural unfolding, restore the rhythms of your feminine nature and nurture your true desires into natural bloom. You’ll re-orient back to the receptive heart of the feminine path, feeling safe to grow, unfold and create in synergy with and from your feminine being.


Re-orienting to the receptive path of feminine being 

Feminine integrity + softening resistance

Being, becoming + the centre of desire

Rhythms, surrender, rest + trust

 The naturalness + radiance of bloom

‘BLOOM’ invites you to:

unweave internalised beliefs around needing to “earn” your life

regain trust in naturalness, magnetism and feminine receptivity over struggle, hustle and force

trust in and feel safe to listen to your deeper feminine integrity

restore self-belief around your feminine path

allow the organic desires of your heart to bloom naturally

restore trust in the beauty and richness of natural, feminine unfolding  


You, and this course are an absolute godsend. Everything you spoke of resonates with me on a profoundly deep level. Absolutely divinely inspired. Sending you so much gratitude for this healing work. It is sacred, and so very needed.
— Jerrilyn, Illinois, US



online. self-paced audio. secure portal

approx 5.5 hours of content across the 3-part series. lifetime access

to be received, not ‘done’

there is no live component you need to be present for- you will be able to immediately access (and download if you wish) all content on purchase


access + pricing

The Feminine Being Collection was released as a 3-part audio series and is currently available on-demand. Purchase includes immediate access to the full 3-part collection, Soften, Tend & Bloom.

175 aud (approx 115 usd)




Q: How do I access the content after purchase?

A: On checkout, you’ll be asked to create an account using your email and a password. Once your purchase has gone through, you’ll be be directed immediately to your Feminine Being Collection portal (hosted on secure online course platform, Podia), where you’ll see all content included in The Feminine Being Collection. You’ll also receive a purchase confirmation with your access/login details and receipt of purchase directly to your email. All recordings are easily downloadable to your device/s so you can also access them offline.

If you’ve already purchased another resource/course from Soul and Self previously, you’ll be prompted to log into your account before being directed to checkout.

Q: How long is the content?

Tend and Bloom are 90 minutes each, while Soften is 2.5 hours.

Q: What is the difference between this and The Woman of Value Course?

A: While there are of course similar overriding themes of feminine reclamation and softening, this is an entirely new collection. The Woman of Value is a guided journaling course, while this collection is deep dive into the essence of feminine being and the receptive path of feminine softening, designed to re-activate your own unique remembrance, reconnection and trust in your authentic feminine nature and deeper union with Life/God. If you’re wondering where to start I would suggest reading through each sales page and feeling into which one resonates with your current being. (You can also access both resources together in the Feminine Healing Bundle).

Q: Can you give me some more details about what to expect from The Feminine Being Collection?

A: Women have said that my words evoke ~ deep inner trust; a sense of relief; gentle liberation; permission to soften, feel and be; renewed self-belief; restored conviction + integrity around one’s feminine nature, gifts and path; a sense of not being alone in what one feels and intuits beyond the intellect; a return home to the feminine sensibilities and wisdom of the heart.

I would describe this offering as: softly revealing, conversational, grounded, tender, natural, layered, and deeply affirming to the unspoken knowings of your feminine being. Not “self-work” but a gentle experience to mirror, activate and give voice to your own feminine unfolding.

With lifetime access you can revisit all material whenever you desire.

If you’re newer here, below are some free feminine healing writings you may like to explore first:

The soft, the subtle, the slow | embodying the quietened realm of feminine interiority

What is Feminine Integrity? (and why the world steers women away from it)

You do not always need to be in bloom (reclaiming the internal winter of the feminine soul)

The gifts of your feminine being cannot be extracted, they must unfold and bloom

How masculine achievement culture impacts the feminine soul

Which of these 3 feminine expressions are you currently in?

Women- Let’s Say No to This Constant Need to Optimise Ourselves

Organic vs Synthetic Femininity (and why ‘being feminine’ can become another thing to strive for)

Restoring Radiance, Naturalness and the Innocence of the Feminine Heart

The Feminine Art of Softening

Blooming Into Your Desires, Dropping New Age Manifestation & Creating through the Energy of Femininity


terms + conditions

this is a self-led digital product, with no live attendance required

price is in Australian dollars (check currency conversion)

this is not a prescription or a replacement for any type of therapy,1:1 support or medical/mental health advice. It is a sharing and culmination of heart, creativity, femininity, spirituality and the experiential and embodied knowledge that has arisen both through my own path and through working with and relating to others in the realms of education, the healing + feminine arts, writing, creative expression and business. I trust that by purchasing you are receiving it as such.

because of the immediate delivery and nature of this offering, refunds are not available.

any questions around delivery or access can be sent directly to me at

Belinda 💓