Softening into life and the unraveling of self protection
I love a softened life and what this looks like to me. I love flowers and animals, oceans and parks. I love bare feet on grass, watercolour paints and candlelit tables. I love floaty, flowy, unrushed and earthy. I love the Italian Passegiata, slow mornings with no alarm and pottering in vintage shops.
Yet I also know that no matter what a soft life looks like on the outside, it is the internal essence of being that is at the heart of soft living.
I see living a softened life as less about what it looks like, and more about what it feels like. It is about resting in the naturalness of Life. It’s unravelling the hardened edges and self-protection we’ve been taught are the only ways to cope with life. It’s restoring a pace that is natural to us, instead of frantically trying to keep up with artificial expectations.
And yes, this can look like slow days and nature and barefoot walks, but it can also look like a deeper spiritual dignity that is carried within the external rush of what others are doing. A dignity that rests beneath whatever it is you are doing, and softly infuses life with a gentle sense of ‘I am where I am meant to be. There is no rush. It is safe to be me…’
If you’d like to read more, the rest of this writing is now available in the ‘Soften and Bloom’ ebook.
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Soul & Self is an online space of feminine healing, living and business for sensitive, creative women who are here to soften, not strive. Start here to learn more.
hi, i’m belinda
Writer and founder of Soul & Self, an online space for women to reclaim their feminine nature, recognise their true value and restore their natural gifts, pace and path. If you’re a deep-hearted woman wanting to soften into your femininity, a gentle solopreneur craving respite from the ‘shoulds’ of the business world, or a feminine creative longing to share and sell your gifts in a softer way, you’re in the right place. Start here.