Feminine Tenderness and Why You’ve Been Taught to Diminish Your Sensitivities


One of the deepest gifts of the feminine nature is Tenderness.

Tenderness is a softening into life, a grounded devotion to staying gentle and open in heart, even when it feels easier to harden.

I've found that for the women I've worked with, this feeling of tenderness is central to their deeper fulfilment.

As naturally relational beings, tenderness enlivens and connects a woman back to her deeper essence. Tenderness is what inspires a woman to nurture and care for herself and others. Tenderness shifts what is stuck and allows what needs to flow. Tenderness activates an unspoken energetic that naturally invites in support, love and resourcing.

Another definition of tenderness though, is ‘a sensitivity to pain.’

Which is why much of the feminine path is also about learning to embody and embrace our natural sensitivities, without being overwhelmed or discouraged by pain.

When I first started my business, I focused a lot on supporting women to work with their sensitivities.

And I still feel a strong pull towards supporting those (especially in business) who are highly sensitive.

Yet I believe that as women…

If you’d like to read more, the rest of this writing is now available in the ‘Soften and Bloom’ ebook.

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Soul & Self is an online space of feminine healing, living and business for sensitive, creative women who are here to soften, not strive. Start here to learn more.