How to build trust running your business in a softer, feminine-led way
As women in business, I have noticed that we are heavily primed to believe that our businesses will not survive unless we participate in pushy, forced, contrived (and even unethical) business and marketing practices.
Like much of what I talk about in my work, I see this as stemming from the masculine-focused ways that we’ve been unconsciously taught to live, relate, work and achieve in the world.
And this isn’t because the masculine is at all bad. It’s because when the masculine exists without the feminine, when we diminish, override or neglect her value in the world, then we create normalised structures that are distorted.
In the business and marketing world, a big part of this masculine-feminine imbalance is the focus on outcome over process. Of results over heart. Of doing things as a means to an end, instead of our actions serving as a natural embodiment of our values, purpose and organic path.
This is so obvious in our current world, where we’re constantly fed so many beliefs around what it means to be successful and fulfilled in our world. We see so many examples of people achieving in ways that require manipulation, hustle and force- this results in our subconscious no longer trusting in more sustainable, heart-based practices.
And this is where unethical business practices that prey on fear and scarcity arise.
Yet it’s the softer, more feminine practices that are key for us as women in business. Because when we focus predominantly on unbalanced masculine-led strategies instead of nurturing the feminine in our business, we no longer feel in integrity with our deeper nature.
The question is though- how do we actually develop a deeper trust in these more natural, feminine-infused practices, when so much of our world tells us that we need to use distorted masculine approaches to succeed in business?
Firstly, there needs to be an acknowledgement that this has not felt easy. If you are a woman who has been attempting to create and run a business in this way, you may have felt a great deal of frustration, self doubt or fear over the past years.
Yet as more and more women step into this feminine business template, the easier it becomes (and when I speak of this template, I’m not talking about false feminine business models that see women compromising themselves, their sexuality, their privacy and their vulnerability, in order to create success in business).
There is always deep resistance when a current is turning- yet recently there has been a huge shift (in the realms of the unseen) that is paving the way for all of this to feel so much easier. I spoke about this at the beginning of the year (Information overload, new timelines and activating the energetics of feminine business) but there has been an even bigger shift this month.
If you are a woman who has felt frustrated at your lack of external movement, and has felt pressured into falling into old ways of business and marketing, know that right now there is a clear opening to anchor this feminine business template more deeply and bring in external results through this softer way of doing things.
Yet even with this shift, there may still be times where you feel doubt and a lack of trust around whether you are able to run a business in a more feminine way.
When this happens, the default is often to try to figure out or “fix” this doubt. Yet what I’ve found, is that it’s enough to naturally observe and gently tend to the places this distrust in the feminine still arises for me within my business.
Not to shame myself for not trusting, but to soften into the parts of me that still think I need to hustle, prove, convince, strive and compromise my feminine nature just to “get ahead” in business. To nurture these fears and use them as a reason to soften even more deeply into trust. Trust in myself, in God, and in my unique value.
In this way, my business is not just a vehicle to “succeed” in the world, but instead, a way to sink deeper into my femininity and soften into my deeper purpose as a woman.
Which is what my deepest value is when I talk about and support women in Feminine Business. A way of creating and interacting with our businesses where yes, we are business owners.
But first and foremost, we are women.
Belinda x
Want to learn more?
Explore feminine business services and support here.
hi, i’m belinda
Writer and founder of Soul & Self, an online space of feminine healing, gentle business and soft, creative living. Here, I write and create resources for sensitive, creative-hearted women who want to trust in their softer path and cultivate a life of beauty, naturalness and feminine spirit. Start here to learn more about what‘s offered in this space.
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