Information overload and the energies of feminine business
There’s this word in Italian. La Svolta. It means turning point, and I love it because not only does it sound beautiful, but because to me it describes that point in life when the tide turns. When resistance crumbles away and the path forward is clear. When things finally feel easier. When we have a long awaited breakthrough. Where something within us finally gives us the conviction to move in a different direction.
To me it also signifies this collective point in society where things start shifting. Where what was once accepted, becomes illuminated with different truths, prompting change and evolution.
Somewhere I see this happening at the moment is in our relationship to information. Both in the way we consume and in the way we create.
Currently, we are experiencing information overload. There is so much going on. So many places we can access information. So much being thrown in our faces, overwhelming our mind, senses and ability to relax into our own clarity.
The world is glued to their phones, things are instantly accessible and attention spans are becoming shorter. And while we’ve been conditioned to see this as normal, or as “progress”, the unbalanced relationship we have to this is leading us away from our natural selves and deeper souls.
Yet many people are beginning to sense this, and a shift is occurring. Not with everyone, but with enough people that new timelines are organically opening up.
On these timelines, information is actively sought out, from a place of internal clarity. Instead of mindless scrolling and information overload, the key currency is discernment and choice. This involves a different way of approaching information, whereby we cultivate a deep reverence in relation to what we are actually letting into our fields.
As a result, if we are looking to engage people into our businesses on this timeline, we need to align ourselves with ways of engagement and connection that don’t play into this information overload.
I see how this has been a big part of my reluctance to use and rely on platforms like Instagram. Because even though I know that of course the platform can still work to engage clients, and for some people it feels really good, it just makes me feel overloaded- even just hopping on and posting, no scrolling. (I talk about this more in Social Media Energetics for Sensitive Solopreneurs, which is free as part of my Growing a Business Without Social Media Training)
The question that keeps coming up for me is, “To what end?”
To what end am I participating in structures and ways of doing things that compromise my deeper needs, desires and soul?
There is the argument that we should “use” the systems or “play the game”, to get ahead. But once again, to what end? To get where?
Because “using” systems that we inherently don’t enjoy or align with, only hooks us deeper into a reliance on thinking that we need to compromise our feminine souls.
It takes a deep degree of trust and self-honesty to extract ourselves from doing things that we know we can still “get” something from.
Something I’ve been considering about the nature of compromise, is how it’s been written into our cells, especially as feminine beings. We’ve been consistently taught that we need to compromise our souls to achieve “success”.
And in the business world this feels even more deeply embedded- a consciousness that tells us that we should do whatever it takes to be successful, even if it feels off, or out of integrity, or not sustainable.
This was something that came up so strongly as I was creating my own business. Yet I also felt so strongly that there WAS a different way of doing things, even before I knew exactly what that looked like, and even before I trusted myself enough to actually follow this different path.
Feminine business : a softer paradigm
It’s so easy in our current world to get plugged into this hyper connected, churning, striving, proving model of creation and information exchange.
Yet under the guise of connection, we’re actually becoming disconnected from what’s true.
To me, feminine business is a way of healing and coming back to our natural, feminine selves. I describe it as a way of creating business that’s based on the principles of integrity, soul authenticity, slow and intentional living and deep trust in who you naturally are. It flies in the face of our fast-paced culture of proving and striving. As a business owner, it relies instead on cultivating deep and true connections with yourself, and then an audience that truly needs and wants what you’re offering. As consumers, it allows us to stop making decisions from lack and thinking we’re not enough, and instead allows us to make clear choices about what we truly want and need in our field.
As we untangle ourselves from old paradigms, the way we relate to content and creation will naturally change. Part of this turning point is building a deeper reverence around the nature of information exchange, bringing our souls back into balance with our natural limits of input-output.
For me, this means asking myself, “Am I helping to dissolve this culture of information overload? Or am I playing into it because I’ve been conditioned to believe that this is the only option available for me?”
It also means looking honestly at distorted energetics of consumption and creation, and not becoming tethered to these.
A rampant example of a distorted energetic that plays out a platform like Instagram is that of being fed something so consistently that you then think you need it.
On any platform that encourages scrolling and over-consumption, we’re being drawn into things that we just genuinely don’t need or truly desire. We’re being advertised to, and conditioned into having certain thoughts and desires, yet on social media it feels like “entertainment” because it’s delivered in a visually appealing, shiny (aka addictive) package that we think we’re choosing.
On social media, people can so easily become hooked on things that their soul genuinely doesn’t need (to buy, to know or to engage with), and due to its purposely addictive nature, it can be hard to unhook from this template of overconsumption- both as a creator and as a consumer.
The turning point
Slowing down, trusting yourself and giving yourself space away from what you’ve been told you should be doing, engaging in and buying, can be challenging when it’s become so normalised to do the opposite.
Yet new possibilities abound when we start believing that there is a different way to both relate to the online space and create a business, that does not compromise our essence, natural convictions and feminine soul.
hi, i’m belinda
Writer and founder of Soul & Self, an online space of feminine healing, gentle business and soft, creative living. Here, I write and create resources for sensitive, creative-hearted women who want to trust in their softer path and cultivate a life of beauty, naturalness and feminine spirit. Start here to learn more about what‘s offered in this space.
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