Are You Trying to Heal What Doesn't Need Fixing?
So many healing modalities unconsciously reject the feminine energy, making you constantly feel as though there is something to fix and change.
This is the masculine-oriented way of solving and doing- yet this type of healing can lead to cycles of healing that seem never ending.
Because the problem is, you’re approaching healing with the flawed premise that there is something to fix.
Most women I’ve worked with, don’t need more focus on fixing. They need a way to come back to their inherent selves. They need to be nurtured back to the truth of who they are.
But instead, we’re taught to approach healing like another thing to “do.” To achieve. A means to an end. A way to “get” something.
But yet, there is a deeper part of the Soul that knows that none of this will create the true fulfilment we’re looking for.
How often do we look for that secret step, that magical healing tool, that will finally allow us to live the lives that we think we should be living?
We’ve been taught that life is something to be solved, rather than something to be lived, and loved. And so we apply this same approach to ourselves.
Feminine healing means stopping your striving, unraveling what's not yours, softening your heart and finally seeing the beauty, truth and ease in being naturally you.
Yet because of the way we’ve been conditioned to live in the world, it usually takes some unraveling and uncovering to get us to this feminine-led, receptive state of being where where we can fully receive the blessings and path that God has imprinted within us. Where we can fully step into our inherent purpose and love.
The level of openness, trust and surrender required for this is something that we’ve been actively taught out of. Our masculine-oriented world teaches us to move faster, do more, prove, grind and strive. It teaches us that we need to close down our hearts to get what we want. We are never taught to soften, to receive the truth of who we are. We are never taught that our hearts’ true desires matter (and we’re taught out of believing in these desires if they go against what society has conditioned us to strive for).
This was what frustrated me most when I stepped onto this path of healing. I knew that healing wasn’t about fixing myself, yet I so often found myself in cycles of feeling like there was something wrong with me. That I had to “heal” what I now know was just innately me. Things like my sensitivities, my slower pace, my yearning for depth, my distaste for a lot of the way the world did things, didn’t mean that I was wrong. Or that I needed to be fixed.
What I did need was to come back to my own energy, so I could see the unique path that I was here to take. A path that doesn’t require that everyone else changes- only that I honour the essence of who I am, and what I’m here to contribute as a feminine-led soul.
Belinda x
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hi, i’m belinda
Writer and founder of Soul & Self, an online space of feminine healing, gentle business and soft, creative living. Here, I write and create resources for sensitive, creative-hearted women who want to trust in their softer path and cultivate a life of beauty, naturalness and feminine spirit. Start here to learn more about what‘s offered in this space.
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