Healing and Growing through Femininity, Not Force

softening into feminine and healing resistance

As a woman with a feminine core, many of the ways you’ve been taught to “fix”, grow and heal in life, may not actually be supporting your deeper essence and true unfolding.

Especially in the healing and personal development world, so much of what’s out there is keeping more feminine-oriented beings looping in cycles of striving, feeling confused and trying to fix themselves, instead of living, loving and creating from their deeper feminine value.

The idea that we should all be living, growing and achieving in a certain way is so damaging to us, especially as women. Because when this pressure builds up from the expectations of the external world, our energy shifts into freeze mode.

Which results in a feeling of feeling stuck and confused (and then usually unworthy because we berate ourselves for being stuck!).

For most of our lives, it’s been unconsciously modelled to us that the way to create changes in our lives is to force, push, chase and strive. So when we feel stuck, this is the natural pattern we default into.

But trying to shift things in this way leads to…

If you’d like to read more, the rest of this writing is now available in the ‘Soften & Bloom’ ebook.

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Soul & Self is an online space of feminine healing, living and business for sensitive, creative women who are here to soften, not strive. Start here to learn more.