On the nature of feminine authority (in life, creation and business)
I believe that when a woman trusts the inherent wisdom and desires of her soul, she innately knows (and feels intrinsically drawn to) what she needs to reclaim harmony, radiance, creativity and peace within her own being- an inner reclamation that naturally fuels her outer purpose and contributions in the world, in a way and on a timeline that is unique to her.
Yet what often stops a woman from trusting this process, is when her own deeper knowing and heart-felt desires do not match the overriding expectations she has been taught to strive towards and live by.
The perceptive, deep-thinking woman that tends to be drawn to the nature of my work, has often come from an exhausting space of trying to evaluate, force and figure out her life and/or business. A focus that sees her scouring her conditioned mind for answers that will see her best meet various ideals of what she has been conditioned to believe as the 'right' way to live and create.
What I have found though, is that most of these seemingly 'right' ways, are sourced from (often highly masculinised) ideals of achievement, expression and success that do not reflect what is truly right for her. They are steeped in the idea that some-one else (or some collective structure/authority) always knows better. That one's inner senses are not to be trusted, that one's deeper gnosis is not worthy unless it can be proven within the realms of rational, intellectual understanding or outer authority that fits neatly into societal boxes.
This can be deeply frustrating for the woman walking on the precipice of a deeper surrender into her natural wisdom and feminine heart…
If you’d like to read more, the rest of this writing is now available in the ‘Soften and Bloom’ ebook.
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Soul & Self is an online space of feminine healing, living and business for sensitive, creative women who are here to soften, not strive. Start here to learn more.
hi, i’m belinda
Writer and founder of Soul & Self, an online space of feminine healing, gentle business and soft, creative living. Here, I write and create resources for sensitive, creative-hearted women who want to trust in their softer path and cultivate a life of beauty, naturalness and feminine spirit. Start here to learn more about what‘s offered in this space.
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