Why it’s so important to honour your feminine soul when sharing your business and creative work online


The online space can be very noisy.

So noisy, that it can be very easy to become convinced away from expressing and sharing your business in a way that feels right for you. It can feel necessary to contort yourself and your expression to ensure your content creates more engagement, more approval, more quick sales.

Yet when our content is not a true reflection our our business, message and values, we create a chasm between what we say we offer and what we actually offer. A tension arises between who we actually are, and who we think we need to be in order to attract engagement, sales and growth.

Often we are taught that the barometer for success in business is more. More clients, more customers, more engagement.

Yet something that I don’t see spoken about so much, is how it feels to the feminine soul if “more” requires an abandonment of who we are and who our business is actually designed to serve.

I have found that at a deeper level, most of the women I work with want people to invest in their work who are truly right for their work, services, offerings, creations.

On a more practical level, this is because as sole entrepreneurs and creatives, we as individuals are the ones actually delivering or providing the service/product- so of course we want people in our business that genuinely connect with and value what we do, rather than people who have invested on a whim or because we used fancy language and tactics to drawn them in.

Yet this is also true on a more energteic level, where the feminine can feel who is investing in her work- even if she is not directly serving them (eg. they are buying more passive products).

I have found that the feminine system is deeply receptive, intuitive and sensitive, and is vey much driven by the more subtle energies that sit beneath the surface. And so it actually feels grossly out of integrity to use any type of subversive or manipulative tactics to attract people into our work who do not actually organically desire or need what we offer.

This is one of the reasons why it is so important to honour our feminine integrity in the way we express and share our business. If we do not respect the deeper wisdom of our natural feminine being, the false masculine that serves as the main vehicle we’ve been taught to create success through in the entrepreneurial space, will push and force and override the feminine instincts that are there to illuminate and guide our unfurling.

In the business and creativity landscape, listening to our feminine integrity looks like not jumping on trends, messaging and content marketing tactics that contort or distill the essence of what we offer. It looks like not using language and expression that feel off, and are not a true reflection of what we offer. It looks like reassuring and re-teaching our subconscious that we are enough in our naturalness, and that we do not need to exploit or abandon ourselves to create income from our creative work and service. It looks like softening into who we are a deeper level, and trusting in the distinct service, creation, knowledge, expression, artistry that has been placed within our hearts.

Admittedly, this can feel like sticky ground because of how deeply we have been taught to push and force ourselves to be something we’re not, while distrusting softer and more natural ways of doing things in the business space.

There are so many distractions offered in the online business space, especially on social media, that take us away from our own creativity and expression, and add pressure, expectations and ‘shoulds’ that are often not helpful to our growth and connection with the people who are actually right for our work.

When we over consume and become too entangled in other people’s voices and paths to success, we begin to distrust our own wisdom and the way we are uniquely called to express and share our work. We start striving to engineer connection through stringent strategy and linear steps that *should* logically work.

Yet in the process, we actually end up distilling and contorting our content (and ourselves) into something that does not inspire the hearts of those we are here to serve. We squeeze the life out of our expression and start moving from a place of energetic convincing, rather than connection. We share in ways that push up against our feminine integrity- a little internal whisper that says, “Hang on, something feels off here.

What I have found, is that the feminine soul cannot sustainably create and offer her services, art and offerings to the outer world if she feels out of feminine integrity.

Because when we do things that override our feminine integrity, we either start avoiding taking action, or we end up feeling exhausted and uninspired. We can then feel stuck and as though something is wrong with us, if we are not taking the steps to implement the strategies, tactics and ways of expression that are “proven” to work.

This is compounded by an underlying mantra in the online business space that tells us there are certain things we must do as ‘a means to an end.’

Yet the feminine soul does not work like that. For her, nothing is just a means to an end. The means is just as important as the end result- and if the means are out of integrity then the end feels hollow.

Often, there can be this notion of ‘just get over yourself and do it’ in business culture. Yet I also know that my system does not respond to this- in fact, I have seen many times how my being will remain frozen until I come back to the deeper intent and knowing of my feminine heart.


Only you truly know what feels right for you, your business and your expression (and of course this will evolve over time as you learn, change and grow, personally, creatively and spiritually).

This is not about judging anyone else’s path, or deciding what is right or wrong, or diminishing expression that is different to yours.

Instead, it is about listening to your internal cues and naturally evolving in your expression, as you experiment, refine and develop practical skill in translating your business. It is about not rushing and pushing to ‘perform’ but instead embracing where you are and serving and sharing from that place of naturalness, sincerity and service.

What I always return to, with clients and myself, is the importance of creating space away from the intensity of the online ‘shoulds’, where we can nurture and develop our own uniquely compelling way of expressing our business that actually feels joyful and true to share. I find that this is when we end up organically drawing people towards our business who are the natural fit for what we offer.

And this then serves as our gentle and consistent reminder that actually, our most magnetising and sustainable marketing ‘strategy’ is being in integrity with our deeper soul essence and natural unfolding.

Belinda x

deepen + explore

learn more about sharing online in a softer way here