The essence of feminine being


I don't need to get from where I am, to where I want to be.

I am here, now.

I don't need the secret to living the life of my dreams.

I feel the pulse of existence in my deepest core and live this creation as it unfolds.

I don't need to be bigger, better, greater.

I am present, connected, fulfilled.

I don't need to manifest my dreams and desires.

I allow what is needed in each moment to flow divinely through me.

I don't need to move quicker, strive more or set clearer goals.

I move slowly, feel deeply and let my life unfold in perfectly divine time.

I don't need to be extraordinary, in the eyes of the world.

I am exactly as I am meant to be, in the eyes of God.

I don't need to fix and figure myself out.

I return to my heart, my soul and my inherent wholeness.

I don't need to relentlessly search for my purpose,

I remember, in the depths of my soul, that my very existence is purpose enough.

I don't need to seek love.

I am love.