
Flowers are the embodiment of unforced Being and natural bloom, which is why flower essences support healing, transformation and growth in a way that feels deeply natural and enlivening to the feminine soul.

In particular, if you are a woman who has been taught for most of your life to push down your feminine essence, feeling body and heart, you may have already experienced the way masculine, intellect-driven driven models of healing and growth can feel exhausting, overwhelming and actually counterintuitive to your wellbeing and success (read more in The Feminine Art of Softening). In fact, many women discover my work when they are feeling unfulfilled, confused or burnt out after trying to push themselves, their lives and their creative work/business through these masculinised models of solving, fixing and figuring out.

Which is why flower essences are a refreshing balm for the feminine.

For the woman who is exhausted by self-work, over analysis and trying to think her way through feelings, flower essence healing allows her to release the limited perspective of the conditioned mind and instead soften into the vibrational medicine of nature.

Instead of trying to forcibly overcome subconscious patterns and beliefs that are keeping her apart from the desires of her heart, she allows the chosen flower essence/s to gently heal and transform her limiting patterns through the subtle body. Rather than pushing against the self and generating more over function and stress through a hyper-focus on what is missing/needs fixing, flower essences entrain her energetic system back to emotionally balanced states, such as worthiness, trust, radiance, magnetism, self-gentleness and creativity. From here, she finds herself experiencing powerful perspective shifts, emotional healing, softening of resistance and the freedom to embody aspects of her true nature and heart-led path that have otherwise felt impossible to access.


‘The flower is unique and beautiful and wild, and takes up as much space as it needs to.’

— Katie Hess, creator of LOTUSWEI & Flowerevolution


Who would benefit from flower essences?

The beauty and power of flower essences lies in how they can attune to what each individual person needs for their personal healing and growth (which means that the flowers you’re drawn to can tell you a lot about the deeper emotional needs you truly hold and what your soul is longing to heal, express and embody- things that you may not intellectually be aware of). Common ways flower essences can support healing and growth include: releasing inherited beliefs that are counterintuitive to your true nature; dissolving fear and scarcity and opening up to abundance and worth; reclaiming abandoned/rejected parts of the self that are vital to who you are; becoming anchored in your unique desires, true emotional needs and creative heart; restoring emotional balance; grounding sensitivities and spiritual gifts; seeing your beauty; recovering the ability to receive and thrive without guilt; healing mother/father wounds; shifting beliefs around money and deservingness; activating intuition and inner trust.


Flower essences may be particularly healing and expansive for you if: 

  • You sense that there is something holding you back or keeping you cycling in repeated patterns, that you can’t seem to intellectually ‘figure out’. 

  • You often move straight to the mind when you are struggling with something- for example, you may analyse your feelings, try to ‘solve’ emotions or try to work through your patterns/perceived deficits in a critical or harsh way that overrides your feminine feeling body and true needs.

  • You have inherited family/ancestral patterns (which often includes rejection of your feminine nature and spiritual heart) that deeply impact your self-trust and ability to embody your distinct essence and path.

  • You are highly sensitive to the subtle energies of other people, and can struggle to clarify and honour your own needs and desires

  • You don’t feel safe to embody vital aspects of your deeper self, or you find yourself doubting, questioning and hiding yourself, even when there seems to be no logical reason to do so

  • You long to soften into a more intuitive, heart-led path, where your feminine, creative and spiritual essence can flourish

  • You feel very drawn at this time in your life to Being, Receiving and Surrendering- moving away from the analysis of the mind and finding peace and healing in embracing your natural self, pace and path  

You may also be highly receptive to flower essences if:

  • You relate deeply to the wisdom of the earth and desire lots of time in nature.

  • You have found that the increased collective polarisation and division that has arisen over recent years has dampened your spirit and made it feel more difficult to trust and receive support from others (hence a deep and necessary draw to the unconditional healing power of nature). 

  • You are in a time of transition where it feels as though you are bridging two worlds eg. changing careers, redesigning your lifestyle, uncovering new types of creative expression, birthing a child, moving into an entrepreneurial or more unconventional work path, starting a new relationship, navigating physical healing, going through a soul awakening.

  • You sense and feel the infinite nature of God most deeply when you are connected to the beauty of the natural world

  • You believe in the power of intention and the energetic nature of the subtle realms.


Explore flower essences

All of the flower essence information and recommendations I share below are from LOTUSWEI, a trusted affiliate (for those unfamiliar with affiliate partners, this means I may earn a payment through my affiliate links- never at any extra cost to you).

LOTUSWEI is the place I suggest starting at for flower essence education and inspiration (even if you chose to source your flower essences elsewhere). I was initially drawn to LOTUSWEI and its founder, Katie Hess, because of her depth of knowledge, her courage to move beyond the traditional Bach Flower Remedy system, and the considered way she combines essences to offer the most beautiful and unique flower elixirs. (For example, every single LOTUSWEI formula contains Yarrow which is a powerful essence for sensitive, feminine souls feeling overwhelmed by the energies of other people and modern life, as it gently detoxes the body of foreign energies allowing for natural boundaries and a return to one’s own energy and heart to arise). Because of the breadth of Katie’s flower work over 17+ years, she has collected profound results and stories that translate the beauty and power of flower essences- and I sense you’ll discover much about yourself and the healing nature of flowers through LOTUSWEI.


start here to learn more about LOTUSWEI and flower healing

take the LOTUSWEI flower quiz to see what your soul is longing for


a membership for a guided experience with flower essences

explore all of the LOTUSWEI flower essence elixirs


any questions? contact me here.

Soul & Self is an online space of feminine healing and gentle business for a soft, creative life.