feminine business 1:1 mentoring
I offer private mentoring for women who are seeking to explore, express and ground their feminine gifts, service and creative expression in the world.
My mentoring suits women who are seeking to soften into a template of business, creation and expression that supports femininity, spirituality and heart.
This type of mentoring may suit you if you are a woman who:
has a deep connection (or are longing to connect more deeply) to your feminine nature and gifts
is no longer willing to override your naturalness, sensitivities and femininity in order to ‘succeed’
is looking for relational-based mentorship that centres trust in your own gifts, nature and pace
is seeking an unraveling from the predominant ways and pace of the modern online business world
has found that more linear, formulaic ‘do this to get that’ or ‘5 steps to success' type of business advice does not sit right for you
is seeking a more organic, whole-hearted approach to business, that is a natural extension of your creativity and joy
wants to trust yourself, your expression, your natural pace and your connection to the deeper octaves of life.
In a more practical sense you may be a feminine creative or solopreneur who:
wants to connect with the right people for your business in a way that feels authentic to who you are
wants a softer, more natural way of sharing and marketing your business
is keen to stop relying on social media as a core marketing tool (or even move completely away from it)
wants to build sustainable, organic foundations for your business so you don’t need to be online, or constantly marketing your business.
wants to action a business, content or writing project with self-belief and trust- knowing that you have a supportive person in your corner (that’s me!) to offer you guidance, tools, encouragement and gentle strategy along the way
I work with women at any stage of their business or creation- including women who do not currently have a business, but who are pulled towards softening into a more creative, natural life, fuelled by their feminine radiance and spiritual heart. Although common themes tend to arise with clients, mentoring is completely personalised and organic for each woman I work with.
Feminine Business Mentoring spaces are currently full.
If you’d like to stay updated on 1:1 availabilities and any related feminine business offerings/resources, please sign up below. You may also like to explore my self-led resources and writings here.