Soul and Self

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The gifts of your feminine being cannot be extracted, they must unfold and bloom 

Something that I have found with gifts that are more predominantly encased within the frequencies of the feminine (the intangible, the heart-felt, the non-quantifiable), is that we cannot force them into being. 

We cannot exploit the interiority of our feminine path, just to make our outer selves feel more comfortably received (or to make others around us feel more comfortable). 

Most of the women drawn to my work are used to feeling the ongoing pressure to orient themselves to the world through a deeply masculinised version of who they truly are.

A version of self that demands a certain adherence to constructs of achievement, productivity and success that have been defined according to a world that over-emphasises masculine expressions of externality, linearity and mind-based clarity.

Yet the deeper gifts of the feminine don’t lie in this realm.

The feminine works through more intangible expressions that are not so much about what we are doing, producing and achieving externally, but more so about who we are Being. Feminine being is the soft ground that lies beneath tangible outcomes and actions.

One of the deepest ways that we unconsciously push aside the vitality of our feminine being and deeper gifts is by….

If you’d like to read more, the rest of this writing is now available in the ‘Soften and Bloom’ ebook.

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Soul & Self is an online space of feminine healing, living and business for sensitive, creative women who are here to soften, not strive. Start here to learn more.

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