A space to soften, not strive.

feminine-centered healing, living & business creation


Welcome to Soul & Self, an online space supporting the woman who is seeking a softer, feminine-infused approach to healing, creativity, business and life.

If you have arrived in this space, you have likely been noticing the way the striving pace and masculinised values passed to you through family, education and the broader world have stifled your natural femininity, creativity and ease. You may feel tethered to masculinised ideals of productivity and achievement, while neglecting the softer gifts and desires of your deeper being. You may be feeling exhausted by excessive self-fixing, over thinking and striving that see you overriding your feminine heart and innate wisdom. You may be finding it difficult to sustain your current working life/business when it continually requires you to neglect your feminine nature, natural creativity and organic pace. You may be a sensitive-hearted, creative-minded woman with a desire to live life on your own terms, yet you keep being pulled into the normalised striving that exists around you and online. You may be wanting to grow your own business, monetise your gifts, share your art or sell your services, but are wondering how to do this in a way that doesn’t require the hustle, force and social media hamster wheel that seems to drive many modern business paradigms.

If any of these resonate, this space is for you. Here, you’ll find writings and resources in the areas of feminine healing and feminine business, including support around valuing your feminine energy, trusting your feminine path, believing in your unique value, honouring your natural pace, reconnecting with your feminine heart, creating from your feminine nature, gentle online visibility, authentic content writing, gentle marketing and soft selling philosophy.

All designed to enliven your feminine soul, rebuild trust in your feminine value and create a radiant and natural life.


what women say

I’m so incredibly grateful for your work. It’s so rich and radiant and like nothing I’ve seen.”

”I am enamored. You so beautifully articulate the essence of the feminine in a way that I’ve never heard before “

”It genuinely feels like you’re speaking directly to me in your writings, like someone understands how I feel on an unspoken level.”

”Soul-balming energy. Thank you for sharing a reminder (by a symphony of words) on beauty, love & grace.”

”I finally feel someone is understanding so much of what I have been going through since starting my business as a female creative.”

”You’ve put into words something I’ve been feeling but didn’t know how to describe. What a gift, thank you.”

”Your sweet spirit and authenticity has been such a joy to me.”

”Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us in such an eloquent and compassionate way. You’ve taken everything that I’ve always felt deep down and put it into these beautiful words.

about soul & self

hi, I’m Belinda,

I created Soul & Self as an online respite for the feminine soul, after continually observing how most systems and structures in our modern world do not support a woman’s connection to her feminine value, true creative essence and natural wisdom. And while for some time I thought I had to try to forcibly change and fix the system (mainly through my roles in education), I realised that the feminine path is one of internal value and inner embodiment first. Which means unapologetically honouring the soft, the natural, the creative, the spiritual, and the feminine energies in our own beings, and allowing this to naturally guide our outer purpose.


where to start

feminine healing + soft living

for women who desire to deepen into their feminine nature and live a softer life of radiance, tenderness and ease.

feminine business + gentle creation

for female creatives and solopreneurs who desire a gentle, unforced approach to creating and sharing their business/creative work.



have a wander..


popular writings

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