First Name
Last Name
What service are you offering feedback on?
What drew you to working together initially?
What were you HOPING to achieve, transform or receive through this service?
What DID you achieve, transform or receive through this service?
What was your favourite thing about this service? (or what do you think you benefitted from the most?)
Is there something that you would have liked to see more of within this service, or is there any element/s of this service that you would like to offer feedback for improvement?
Do you have any additional or general comments/messages/feedback around your experience that you'd like to share?
How likely would you be to recommend this service to some-one else?
I've already recommended you!
Very likely
Not likely
Would you be happy for me to use your feedback for future testimonials on my website or in marketing material?
If you're happy for me to use your feedback, please list below how you'd like to be identified (eg full name, just first name, just initials etc). Also include your business title (or how you'd like to be described- eg. Writer, Course Creator, Business Owner), as well as your website url if you'd like me to backlink your testimonial to your website/business, should I use it on my website.