Soul and Self

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The Rhythm of The Feminine Soul

When we have a lot to do, or we think we need to fix, solve or get something done, the default is usually to do more. Move faster. Get through our to-do-list quickly and efficiently.

We’ve been conditioned to operate in a way that propels us forward on a relentless surge of “needing to get things done.”

We’re drawn into a cultural norm of functionality over beauty, of doing over being, of busyness over rest, of linear growth over natural rhythms.

Yet a woman with a feminine core so often finds that this focus of outward completion ultimately drains and diminishes her life force.

It might start off as a subtle feeling that something doesn’t feel right. An undercurrent of stress that never seems to dispel.

It might appear as procrastination, avoidance or what looks like self-sabotage.

It might look like exhaustion, disconnection or a sense of not-enoughness.

These signals are invitations for a woman to delve into her deeper self, to revive her feminine nature and to re-align her life with the true rhythms of her soul.

Yet what often happens, is a woman delves into this exploration through the lens of needing to fix herself.

She’s taught to seek out ways of “figuring out” why she can’t keep up with the pace of life, and is often drawn into personal development and quick fix spirituality, which only serves to add even more to her to-do list for being an effective and productive human

Instead of stripping away the rush of the world and giving herself permission to slow down, she inadvertently adds more to her plate.

She layers more shoulds on top of her being, moving further from the inner fabric of her soul, and resigning herself to “coping” with life.  


In the realm of our modern world, there’s a lot of externalised pressure to do things quickly. To see out lives as a series of things that we need to “achieve.”

By living through this lens, we’re relentlessly taught to compromise the feminine soul. Often, when a woman seeks to fulfil her natural feminine nature, there is still a subtle sense of “I can be my feminine self- but only if I can still achieve within the timelines and linear ways of our masculine-oriented world.”

Which mean that as women, we’re often trying to soften into our feminine pace, yet still being unconsciously dictated by the external pace of the world.

Femininity is often perceived as weak- yet there is a deep strength in organic femininity. Because it requires a woman to stay devoted to her natural rhythms, her true unfolding, her God-infused path, rather than affixing herself to the expectations of the external world.

The feminine has her own pace, that can’t be forced into artificial timelines that have been imposed upon her.

To align with this path, a woman can’t force the world to change.

Instead, for a woman to nurture her feminine core, she needs to be okay with things not looking like what others expect of her. She needs to value her internal processes and inner unfurling, more than she values the validation, recognition or response of the external world.

A way of being that values the truth, naturalness and relationship of life, over the artificial, self-seeking expectations that we’ve been taught to strive towards.

This shift is key, but it isn’t something that can be forced, in the way we’re usually taught to shift things in our lives. Instead, it’s something that occurs organically, the more a woman gently devotes herself to living from her true femininity, pace and nature.

Belinda 💓

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